A Little Sunday

Condemnation vs Conviction

Condemnation – pulls us away from God. We hide in shame and are afraid to approach God about the things that we deal with. We often feel undeserving of forgiveness (God’s love can never be earned- it is free and easily attainable for anyone). As a result we end up digging ourselves in a deeper pit than where we started because we are too prideful to ask for help. The enemy will often make us believe we are too far gone away from Christ. IT IS A TRICK!

There is NOTHING He can not heal, NO MESS He can not make into a message. NO curse He can not break! NO oppressor that is too great. NO problem that can ever outweigh the blood of Jesus!

Conviction – draws us closer to God. He will gently break every stronghold off us, over and over and over again. There is no sin too big for Him and no devil too powerful for Him.

Sadly, conviction is often a gift that believers withhold from each other and instead choose to condemn what they cannot comprehend or what they have not been through.

My message: Don’t judge someone just because they sin different!

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