A Little Sunday, Faith


When we make a mistake we ask for mercy yet often times we deny others of that same mercy. We judge others based on our carnal standards; deciding which sin is greater, when it was never our job to be the judge, jury and (in some cases) the executioner. 

God isn’t like that! 

“For He gives sunlight to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike”

Matthew 5:45

He breathes life into His people and those who are against Him. Like the Apostle Paul who was a killer of Christians, there is enough grace for even those who hate God. And He can change anyone for His glory.

We live in a nation where we publicly bring shame upon others because they sin differently, What if I told you that all our sins are equal? 


At one point in my life I became so angry at being treated unfairly, I prayed to God, reminding Him that He should fight for me, and to let this person feel how I felt and to take vengeance… in mid prayer, God stopped me and said “but I’m their God too.” I was unprepared for the tears repentance that followed. I was convicted on the spot and reminded that the same grace God had for the people that hurt me, was the same grace He had been granting me when I intentionally or unintentionally hurt others all along. He was covering me even when I was oblivious to how I treat others. GOD HAD MY BACK EVEN WHEN I DIDN’T KNOW. 

Scrolling through twitter on a day where the devil is rampant; you’ll find tweets that condemn anyone who chooses to forgive a fellow human for a mistake they’ve made, whether past or present. Tweets that say “this isn’t the time for forgiveness” or “This isn’t about your religion”… As a believer we constantly have to show mercy because we too need forgiveness many times. And in God’s eyes, the mistakes that we may hold against our enemies weigh the same as our own discretions against God Himself. Remember that if we do not forgive our brothers and sisters, then God will not forgive us. (Matthew 6:16) Our forgiveness is contingent on the fact that we are willing to offer the same to someone else.

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